A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon the documentary „Minimalism“ on Netflix. As you can guess, the documentary is about a minimalistic life and the thought, how much we really need in order to be happy and satisfied. Moreover, our consumption craze is being criticized, which made me reflect about all the things we buy every day. If you haven’t seen it already, then I can really entrust it to you.
Why do we need so much in order to be happy? And above all – are we really happier the more we have?
Another question I asked myself while I was reflecting was: How many clothes, shoes and accessories does a woman need in order to be well dressed?
Coincidentally, I was in the middle of moving while I was watching the documentary – actually the perfect moment to start reflecting, what I really needed and then to sort out all the stuff I don’t really need. This way I forced myself to eliminate some things and take as few as possible to my new apartment.
The result: I gave away 4 boxes full of clothes and 3 more boxes of clothes are being sold right now. All that remained is one clothes rail and one tiny Ikea Pax wardrobe with clothes (yes, it’s really one Pax wardrobe, not a Pax-combination :D); And I have to admit that I am pretty proud of myself for that :D.
I know it’s still too much to call it minimalistic, but it’s not bad considering how much stuff I used to have. I really kept only the clothes I love to wear and feel great when wearing. Among these thing that I kept is also this very outfit I’m wearing on these pics.
I mean, why keep so many things in the closet which we never wear, if there’s someone who would be more than happy to wear them? Now I promised myself for every new piece I buy to sell or give away one old piece. I really, really hope that I’ll be strong enough to stick to this plan.
Another thing that is being addressed is the Project 333 Challenge, and the challeng is about wearing only 33 pieces of clothing (including accessories and shoes) for 3 months. Welll… this is pretty tough. I mean, I really couldn’t reduce my wardrobe to 33 pieces, but at least I have reduced it to one wardrobe :D.
What about you ladies? How many clothes, shoes and bags do you have approximately? More than one wardrobe? And how does it work when you sort out your wardrobe? Do you cling to certain things?
*PR Samples
Ich hab tatsächlich schon viel mehr Klamotten gehabt als jetzt. Ich bin von Quantität auf Qualität umgeswitcht – zumindest meistens^^. Ich besitze immernoch 80 Paar Schuhe, also einige mehr als ich brauche. Es werden aber langsam immer weniger, da ich momentan mehr abtrage als dazu kaufe. Mein Ziel sind unter 50. Ich werde nie mit 5 Paar dastehen ;-).
Mein Schrank ist jetzt ordentlich und alles hat seinen Platz, nichts liegt mehr in Kisten irgendwo in der Wohnung.
Ich hab übrigens das Buch von Marie Kondo gelesen und es hat meine Sicht geändert. Hab auch mal nen Beitrag dazu geschrieben.
Hey liebe Sabrina,
ach, das Trenne von Schuhen fällt ja auch wirklich am schwierigsten. Ich habe glaube ich noch ca. 20 Paar und weniger geht einfach irgendwie nicht haha :D.
Hey dieses Buch muss ich unbedingt lesen. Danke für den Tipp!
Beautiful look! Love the pics!
Hadasah Love || http://www.styletolove.com
Oh, thank you so much my dear Hadasah!!!
Ich bin ganz verliebt in das wunderschöne Kleid und die tolle Tasche.
I really love it. Nice photos.
Liebe Grüße
Anja von Castlemaker.de