Monthly recap: August 2017

The Cosmopolitas Monthly Recap

New month-new monthly recap! It’s that time of the month again when we share with you what happened to us last month as well as all about our favorites, like the favorite blog of the month, favorite pieces of clothing, songs we listened to and so on. Keep reading to find out all about our highlights of August. ♡


The perfect Summer Dress

August is over and guys I can tell you, I’m happy about that. It was a very hot month and even I really love summer, it was too much, even for me. So good that we already have September. 😀 This month has  started out very well and I am already looking forward to all new adventures! 

Personal Stuff

Guys, I thought I would have a bit more to tell you about August , but to be honest nothing special happened to me. I spent two weeks in Serbia with my family and it was a restful time for all of us. I visited my grandparents which live there and some old friend but that’s already it.

This photo was taken as we were in my favorite city in the world – Belgrade:

Well, now we come to my Favorites of the Month:

Favorite Piece of Clothing

This time, definitiv this red dress. I love everything about it! The shape, the length, the color… Well that is actually very funny, because earlier I never got to wear red. Now, I’m living in this color. 😀

monthly recap

Favorite Blog Post

This month it’s


Check it out, if you still haven’t. :))

Erich, Vienna

So guys, not so much  of my personal highlights happened in August. More then in September! 😀

Fatime Zahrl The Cosmopolitas

Is there a way to stop the time from running and keep the summer here forever? ? Guys, if there is anyone out there who knows the secret, please share it with me. I’m definitely a summer-person and even the one who likes those 35 degrees days even if I have to go to work. I think I should have been born in a country where the summer never ends. 🙂 However, August (probably the last sunny month in Vienna) has passed and I’m not looking forward to having September already here. Have a mentioned I live in a wrong country yet? ?

Personal Stuff & Travel

1. Ozora Festival

Every year again, I count days until my favorite festival in Hungary. The ones who know me well are aware of the fact that I’m totally into trance-music. Yes, you’ve read it well guys. I’m a tiny hippie-soul and Ozora is one of the biggest psychedelic-trance festivals worldwide I never missed the past 5 years. The reason why I love it so much are the open-minded people, colorful installations and the music of course. Additionally, there are tons of different workshops you can attend, yoga classes and different concerts. This year, I’ve finally made it to attend the opening-ceremony, which is a very special event everyone is so excited about. Siting on the top of a hill, looking down at the mainstage and all the people who are inpatient to run in its direction and start celebrating life is simply indescribable. It gives me goose bumps to even think about it. Im already more than excited about the next year. <3

2. A weekend in Upper Austria with Trixi

Ever since we got a car, my hubby and I were planning to travel more in Austria. It’s such a beautiful country and we still didn’t see even the tiniest part of it. We decided we would spend one weekend somewhere far away from Vienna, but we didn’t book on time and it was a mission impossible to find something nice at short notice. However, Trixi offered us to spend a weekend with her and her boyfriend at Attersee and it was such a relaxed weekend with lots of good food. We definitely have to travel more often in Austria, because the country side is simply amazing.

3. Vis: My happy-place

If you watch our Insta-Stories regularly, you know I’ve been talking about my Vis vacation for months. Vis is simply a place where I feel the happiest. It was the first place where I went on holidays with my hubby and it’s like our second home. The island is very quiet and perfect for a getaway far away from the mass tourism. You get incredibly yummy food on every corner and there are soooo many small beaches you can visit. At some, you’ll probably be lucky enough to have the whole beach for yourself. 🙂

Favorite Piece of Clothing

This month, it’s definitely this dark-gray denim jacket from Diesel. You probably all know I´m such a huge fan of Diesel clothes and this jacket is Timo-style pure. The length is perfect and the color…well my favorite, because I’m a person who loves gray and black. 🙂

Favorite Blog Post: How much do we need to be happy?

Birthday Thoughts: How much do we need to be happy The Cosmopolitas

♡ I guess that’s it for August guys. Wish you guys a wonderful September ♡

Sara Dadic The Cosmopolitas

Oh guys, to be honest, August was a pretty boring month for me :D. I was just tired of the heat and waited for the autumn to finally come to Vienna :D. Now I can say, thank God, it’s finally a bit colder outside :D. It didn’t happen really much except from one Hip Hop festival I went to. However, at least I can share with you some of my favorites of the month :).

Favorite Blog Post


Sushi als Dessert, süßes Kokos-Erdbeer Sushi, vegan, glutenfrei

If someone told me a couple of years ago that sushi would eventually become one of my favorite dishes, I would say they’re crazy :D. Even though sushi was something I didn’t like at all, it has now become something I could eat at every time of the day – in the morning, at lunch, in the evening… basically all the time :D. My favorite is definitely avocado-maki. Yumminess!!!

Some time ago, a certain idea came to my mind: “Why can’t I just have my favorite dish as a dessert?” Said and done :D.

Since I wasn’t sure if this would work and I didn’t find almost any recipes online, I wanted first to try it and make sure that it is edible :D. However, it wasn’t only edible, it was TDF!!! My hubby was over the moon! And that’s why I decided to try it once again and share this amazing recipe with you guys.

Why do I like it so much? It isn’t too sweet, it’s fruity and creamy at the same time, it’s vegan and gluten-free. What more could one want? It is also perfect for parties at home and it’s definitely an eye-catcher on the table :). If you haven’t seen it yet, you gotta check it out now!!!!

Favorite Piece of Clothing

How to Wear a Black Maxi Skirt

This black maxi skirt has not only been my favorite piece of clothing in August and July as well, but for the last 3 years :D.

3 years ago I got in touch with a dressmaker from Serbia whom you could send a picture of a piece of clothing you wanted to have, your body measurements and she made the piece just as it looked on the pic. I tried it and I just couldn’t believe it :D. For the first time in my life I had a maxi skirt that was not too long and which fit me at my 60-cm-waist XD (believe me, it is really hard to find any high waist clothes if you’re as skinny and as small as I am :D).

And still, 3 years after I bought it, I’m still being asked where I bought this skirt :D. And that’s why I love it. It is just timeless.

Favorite Blog of the Month

If you have seen my favorite blogs of the previous months, you may have noticed that I place value on the content. I’m not a person who visits a blog only for the beautiful pictures. I love reading, especially when there’s something new I can learn.

Now there is one special blogger who just knows exactly what she does and what people want to read: Verena with her blogazine WHO IS MOCCA

Why do I love reading Who is Mocca?

  • There is no single petty blog post here. Behind each and every blog post is a certain added value and they are well-concieved. Now this shows, how much love and work are put in every one
  • Verena always covers current topics and keeps her readers up-to-date no matter if it’s fashion, tips for bloggers, interior or lifestyle topics
  • Last but not least – her pictures are just perfect 🙂

Listened To:

If you follow us on Instagram and watch our stories, you may have noticed that I’m pretty much obsessed with Raf Camora 😀 😀 :D. I just love his songs and I was soooo happy that a new album has come out. This is pretty much something I listen to 24/7 since its release :D.

The Cosmopolitas
The Cosmopolitas

The Cosmopolitas ist ein Lifestyle Blog geführt von Kaja und Timo aus Wien. Unsere Mode-Inspirationen sowie Erlebnisse zum Thema Reisen, Essen und anderen alltäglichen Dingen teilen wir mit euch sowohl auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen als auch hier auf unserem Blog.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. September 6, 2017 / 3:53 pm

    Oooo, die süße Sushi Variante muss ich unbedingt probieren! Ich könnte mich die ganze Zeit nur von Sushi ernähren. PS: Gibt es Kontaktdaten von der Schneiderin, ich hätte 1000 Ideen zum Schneidern ?

    Liebe Grüße, Nikolina von mimi’s honeypot

    • September 8, 2017 / 7:23 am

      Jaa, die musst du unbedingt probieren :D.
      Was die Schneiderin betrifft, ist sie leider nicht mehr auf Facebook und ich habe damals keine Telefonnummer oder sonstiges genommen :(. Echt schade….

  2. September 8, 2017 / 8:32 am

    Hach was für ein schöner Monatsrückblick ihr Lieben!! Und auch wenn ich Texte, genau wie Du Sara, ja über alles Liebe, habe ich mich wieder einmal in Eure NewYork Fotos verliebt. Ich finde den Stil zu unfassbar schön! Das Licht, der Look, einfach alles! Oh und Timo’s Look in Zagreb – soo schön!

    Und ich kann nicht glauben, dass Du dich nach kühleren Tagen gesehnt hast Sara! 😀 Hier bei uns im Norden war es den ganzen August über kalt. Ach was eigentlich den ganzen Sommer. Das höchste der Gefühle waren einmal 28 Grad. Und das wars dann auch schon. Die wenigen warmen Tage konnte ich aber wenigstens genießen und hab die Sonnenstrahlen aufgesogen 🙂 Warhscheinlich wäre ich aber genau wie du, nach einem heißen Sommer dankbar, dass es endlich wieder kühler wird 🙂

    Es ist irgendwie so sympathisch zu lesen, dass bei Euch allen der August ein ruhiger Monat war. So ist das Leben eben manchmal auch, es passieren nicht immer super aufregende Momente. Manchmal ist das Leben einfach ruhig und es ist schön, wenn man das auch bei anderen mal mitbekommt 🙂

    Und ich muss dringend das süße Sushi ausprobieren, es sieht soo lecker aus! So jetzt habe ich hunger und werde mir meinen morgendlichen Smoothie machen 😀

    Ich wünsche Euch einen wunderbaren Freitag und einen tollen Start ins Wochenende!
    Liebste Grüße an Euch drei wunderbaren Frauen! ♥ Saskia

    • September 13, 2017 / 1:11 pm

      Liebe Saskia,

      oooh, wir können gerne mal tauschen – du ziehst im Sommer zu mir nach Wien und ich in den Norden 😀 dann wären wir alle wohl glücklich :D. Der Norden steht schon auf jeden Fall als nächstes Urlaubsziel auf meiner Liste (genauer – Sylt, wobei die Ostsee auch ganz schön sein soll :D).

      Es freut mich sehr, dass dir auch unsere Fotos gefallen!

      <3 Sara

  3. September 8, 2017 / 8:01 pm

    Hallo ihr Hübschen♥
    euer Style ist wirklich wahnsinn 🙂 mega tolle Bilder, cooler monthly review, tolle Outfits, coole Locations. Ganz ganz toll. Ich werde von nun an auf jeden Fall öfter hier vorbei schauen 🙂
    Liebe Grüße
    Janina ♥

    • September 13, 2017 / 1:12 pm

      Vielen Dank liebe Janina! So lieb von dir.

      Es freut uns sehr, dass die unsere Fotos und der Beitrag gefallen :). <3

  4. September 8, 2017 / 9:23 pm

    Oh das hört sich nach einem tollen Monat an ihr Lieben! Eure Eindrücke sind wirklich super und perfekt zusammengestellt 🙂 Und ich liebe Who is Mocca auch! Da muss ich gleich wieder einmal vorbei schauen 🙂
    xx, Carmen –

  5. September 9, 2017 / 12:26 pm

    Coole Zusammenfassung vom August 🙂 Ich finde auch, dass der August soooo heiß war…bin der totale Sommermensch, aber was zu heiß ist, ist zu heiß. Die letzten beiden Wochen kälteres Wetter waren daher irgendwie ganz angenehm. Wünsche euch noch ein schönes Wochenende und weiter so! Ich finde euren Blog super!!
    Liebe Grüße, Betty von

    • September 13, 2017 / 1:13 pm

      Jaa, manchmal ist es einfach zu viel 😀 Vor allem wenn man keine Abkühlung in der Stadt hat.

      Und danke für deinen Kommentar !!! <3

  6. September 10, 2017 / 1:26 pm

    Sehr schöner Rückblick! Süßes Sushi ist wirklich ganz toll, ich mag meines am liebsten mit Erdbeeren 🙂

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

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