Stay true to your style and you’ll always be en vogue

Stay true to your style

We now live in times of fast-moving fashion and sticking to our own style has never been this important. Years ago, our only source that gave tips about new trends in the fashion industry were fashion magazines. Even though the trends kept changing through the decades, many fashion legends like Coco Chanel have held to their opinion claiming that style is much more important than any trend-change in the fashion industry. From my point of view, we have to stay true to our personal style, no matter how quickly the trends change. This is the way how we’ll always be en vogue and feel comfortable in our clothes.

Fashion changes, but style endures. – Coco Chanel

How to combine Wide-Leg Pants
Gray Hair by The Cosmopolitas


Our buying behavior, the way we chose clothes and how we wear them have incredibly changed in the past few years/decades. Through the digitalization and our unlimited access to any kind of content placed in the WWW, we are able to get inspired by so many fashion icons. Our feeds are constantly flooded with immense pieces of visual content which makes us want everything our role models are wearing and presenting as “the newest trends”. This kind of visual overflow makes it incredibly difficult for us to differentiate between the trends we like so much on others and those that fit our style and make us feel comfortable wearing them.

Very often, I feel disappointed seeing so many fashion blogger colleagues trying to keep up with every single trend because they believe it is their “duty” to show their readers/followers how to wear them. In my opinion, there are plenty of other ways of creating content that addresses new trends, but it is definitely not our duty to wear any piece the fashion industry throws at us. In every sphere of life, we have to draw a clean line between the things we like and we don´t and that is the only way to stay true to ourselves and, in this context, to stay true to our style. It is way more important than any new trend.

Oversized Button Down Shirt The Cosmopolitas
Styling Boyfriends Shirt


Some of you might think this is a nonsense, but I see my clothes and the way I wear them as a way of communication. I´m not always aware of it, but, every time I wear something, there is a message behind my outfit I´m trying to communicate to people around me. I am quite an observant person in general and I´ve noticed that, in my case, I usually very much like to experiment with my clothes on days when I feel extremely self-confident.

However, it took me a long time to “find” my own style and I to learn that fashion is not about designers or trends other people wear.  Fashion is about self-expression and how we feel about ourselves when we wear the clothes that we love. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to quickly get news about the new trends and I think it’s such a great achievement, but we should use it to get inspiration, rather than trying to copy someone´s style.

Granny Hair by The Cosmopolitas
Parliament Vienna The Cosmopolitas


The wide-leg pants are without any doubt one of my favorite wardrobe staples for the warm days. They are figure-flattering and endlessly versatile. They can perform magic in some ways and look so different depending on how we combine them. For my spring-combo, I´ve combined my marine blue wide-leg with an basic oversized button-down shirt, a pair of nude loafers and with my new Classic Petite* watch from Daniel Wellington in rose gold. In case you like it and consider getting one, make sure to use our discount code “cosmopolitas” to get 15% off your purchase.

Daniel Wellington Classic Petite Rose Gold
Classic Petite Uhr Daniel Wellington
Oversized Blue Boyfriend Shirt
Marlenehose mit einem Hemd kombinieren
Nude Loafer
Granny hair


shirt: ZARA // pants: S.OLIVER //
shoes: DEICHMANN // watch: DANIEL WELLINGTON* // fishnet ankle socks: H&M


Image Map


Ein Food- und reisesüchtiger Mensch, der sich auch mit 28 über kleine Dinge freuen kann: Eine Schoko-Mousse-Torte lässt jede Sorge zumindest kurz verschwinden. Allerdings nur dann, wenn die Schokolade dunkel ist.

Auf “The Cosmopolitas” schreibe ich gerne über alles, was so in meinem Kopf herumschwirrt: Über diverse Gedanken, Essen, Reisen, Mode, und, und, und…
|| Sonst bin ich…
…eine wissbegierige Persönlichkeit, eine Predigerin des lebenslangen Lernens und bald eine Matrosin.:)

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  1. May 11, 2017 / 1:44 pm

    Wieder einmal ein spannender Post! Absolut toll geschrieben, dass man seinen Stil haben soll oder evtl. erst finden muss und nicht immer den neusten Trend anziehen muss:)
    Liebe die wide-leg Hose total und die Bluse ebenfalls! Keep it up!x

  2. Ani
    May 11, 2017 / 2:59 pm

    Ein tolles Outfit – steht dir echt toll liebe Timo <3 Und ja, da geb ich dir auch recht: Mir fällt bei manchen Blogger-Kolleginnen auf, dass sie einfach nur die aktuellen trendigen Styles nachahmen und einfach nur die Key Pieces nachkaufen.. Copy Cats sozusagen 🙂 Dies finde ich echt schade… es sagt nämlich überhaupt nichts über sie aus, also über ihre Persönlichkeit – die ja mit Kleidung ausgedrückt wird… Macht mich eigentlich traurig…


  3. May 11, 2017 / 3:16 pm

    I adore this look Timo! Regarding style, you are one of those women who can make an outfit statement even with t-shirt and jeans! And that’s because you are true to your style and aesthetics, so everything you wear, it’s “you”! Look how cool you wore this shirt, it’s impeccable! Love the loose sleeves the bra detail on the back, just perfect head to toe!

  4. May 12, 2017 / 11:36 am

    Was für ein toller Post, Liebes! Tatsächlich habe ich erst diese Woche einen Beitrag zum selben Thema vorbereitet und mich auch intensiv mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, wo denn oftmals die Individualität bleibt. Und ich bin ganz deiner Meinung! Deinen Style und dein Outfit finde ich übrigens super!

    Liebst, Sarah-Allegra

  5. May 15, 2017 / 5:50 pm

    Das ist ein sehr cooles und lässiges Outfit, aber elegant zugleich. Ich finde die Kombi toll, aber da ich eher klein bin, könnte ich sie nicht tragen.
    Liebe Grüße
    Anja von

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