Why am I blogging


Why blogging? And why blogging about fashion and not about the food or traveling? These are questions that I’m often asked. Few weeks ago we were on a blogger meeting in Linz, where we met several bloggers who write about various topics. During the meeting someone asked me, why do I write about fashion actually?

And I had a ready answer. I wasn’t prepared; I just knew the answer from the beginning. Through our blog, I have found a way to realize my goals, to do something that makes me happy and to have a free area to share my love for fashion with other people. The people around me, who know me since my childhood, know that I love fashion since always. As a child, I have combined the outfits by myself and everything had to fit together. I was always a stylish child. As a teeny, I have saved my money that I got for lunch, for shopping. See you guys, that’s already a reason, why I’ m not a food blogger – I have never had enough love for  food. (LOL) As already said, I was always enthusiastic about fashion and trends. And that is actually the reason why am I blogging about fashion. Through our blog, I can share  my inspiration, my ideas about the outfits or how to combine somethingwith everyone.

Someone once said, “Fashion bloggers are little It-girls”. At that time I answered: “No we are not!” Today my answer would be the same. We are strong and self-confident woman, who change the world through the fashion. With every single outfit we make a personal mark. We are sources of inspiration for other people and very often we are role models for others. Therefore, I am blogging about fashion and not about the food or traveling.

Today I have photographed a new outfit for you. And I have to tell you, this is one of my favourite outfits. How do you like it guys? And what are your thoughts about the topic, blogging about fashion? Let’s diskuss!



leather jacket – ZARA

top – H&M

cullote – ZARA

slings – Betty Barclay 

sunnies – Bijou Brigitte 

Shop my Look:


Eine Full-Time Mama von zwei Jungs, leidenschaftliche Kaffeegenießerin und eine Fashion-Begeisterte – das bin ich.
Meine größte Passion: Schnäppchen shoppen und Outfits nach Lust und Laune zusammenstellen.
Mein Motto: Den Trends niemals nachlaufen, denn diese sind kurzlebig, ein guter Stil dagegen ist unvergänglich.

Find me on: Web



  1. May 16, 2016 / 11:43 am

    I love your style! Your outfits are lovely, I think you can really tell how much you love fashion through your content and it is clear to me that you have such an eye for it. Gorgeous post! Finally followed you on Instagram, I am obsessed with your looks xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin | Instagram

    • May 17, 2016 / 8:50 pm

      Hii dear!

      Thank you for your lovely comment! It’s really nice to read that you love my work. Lots of love! Kaja

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