Mom-Jeans, sneakers & bomber jacket

The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket

It´s been a few weeks since I showed you my first mom-jeans look & I thought it’s time for a new one. My “new” mom is still one of the favorite pieces in my closet and I love combining it in many different ways. The pictures are a few weeks old and the temperatures in Vienna aren’t high enough for wearing bomber jackets any more, but I loved this combo and had to show it to you. Sara was my photographer (again) and I simply couldn’t decide on which pics to use…too many I’m in love with 🙂 Shame on you, Sara!

The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
Mom Jeans & Sneakers

The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket

In case you missed my blog post about my huge love for mom jeans, make sure to have a look at this article. THE mom is simply perfect for every season of the year, because she looks perfect with booties, but also with sneakers or sandals. The choice is yours! Even though the first combo I showed you was with booties, I more of a person you would be seeing in sneakers, because I simply love them. I’ve always been a huge fan of sneakers and I keep wearing them during the winter too. Sneakers always make me think of school days, because I used to have my chucks in my backpack at all times. My mom forced me to wear boots, but I always exchanged them for sneakers on my way to school. Mom, in case you read this someday: I´m sorry, but I simply hated boots. And I’m still alive, even though I´ve been wearing “those ugly shoes” during the winter too!

Mom Jeans – Bomber Jacket Combo

Ok, I have to admit that I looooove the mom-bomber combo. The bomber jacket I´m wearing on the pics has the perfect length for combos with high-waisted jeans. This is one of the outfits I like to put on when I´m not sure what to wear. I bought my first bomber just this year and I now love wearing them…cant wait for the spring to come to wear them again!

The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket

How do you like my look? What would you choose, boots or sneakers?

The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket
The Cosmopolitas Outfit: Mom Jeans and Bomber Jacket




Ein Food- und reisesüchtiger Mensch, der sich auch mit 28 über kleine Dinge freuen kann: Eine Schoko-Mousse-Torte lässt jede Sorge zumindest kurz verschwinden. Allerdings nur dann, wenn die Schokolade dunkel ist.

Auf “The Cosmopolitas” schreibe ich gerne über alles, was so in meinem Kopf herumschwirrt: Über diverse Gedanken, Essen, Reisen, Mode, und, und, und…
|| Sonst bin ich…
…eine wissbegierige Persönlichkeit, eine Predigerin des lebenslangen Lernens und bald eine Matrosin.:)

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  1. November 16, 2016 / 9:31 pm

    Der Look ist einfach soooo cool. Ich bin auch ein riesiger Mom-Jeans Fan. Vor allem weil sie find ich so einen guten Po macht 😀 Das Outfit sieht echt super aus. Vor allem muss ich sagen, dass ich bis jetzt kein großer Fan von kurzen Bomberjacken war, aber bei dir sieht das halt wirklich toll aus & der Look ist total stimmig!
    Alles Liebe, Feli

    • November 17, 2016 / 1:52 pm

      Liebe Feli, vielen DANK für deinen Kommentar. Es freut mich sehr, dass dir der Look gefällt. Ich war eben bis vor kurzem auch kein Fan, habe sie aber dieses Jahr für mich entdecht…also vielleicht wird es ja noch was 🙂

      Liebste Grüße an dich

  2. November 19, 2016 / 8:48 am

    Und mei…ich liebe deine Haare. Tolle Farbe <3

  3. November 22, 2016 / 9:48 pm

    Was für ein cooler Look! Die Hose und die Shades sind der Hammer! <3
    Wirklich toll kombiniert!!
    Viele Grüße aus Honolulu!
    Liebst, Leni

  4. omphile barbs
    February 27, 2017 / 8:26 pm

    Your comment*I am so in love with em mom jeans together with the bomber jacket !O Gosh they look so good together … am definitely getting those

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