One week in Mallorca


As I have already promised, today I would like to tell you more about our wonderful trip to Mallorca. For me it was the first time being on the Balearic Island and I can hardly describe how beautiful it is. There are often rumours about the island, and I was also a little bit sceptic as I’ve booked our holiday. And I can tell you, it is definitely a wrong association with the Balearic Island, it is such dreamful that I will definitely plan another vacation here.

As you already know, we have spent our time on Mallorca’s north western coast, in Alcúdia. This lovely, romantic town lies just one hour far away from Palma de Mallorca and it is an ideal location to spend relaxing holidays. You can also go out in Alcúdia, there are a lot of bars and clubs, but I have needed a quiet period this time.

The absolute highlight and also the reason why I have chosen Alcúdia as our holiday destination is the gorgeous, sandy, white beach with his crystal clear water. It is really like on the photos I have seen before our trip. Unfortunately we had bad luck with the weather which was a little bit raily and windy. Nevertheless we had a good time and could spend some days at the beach.

As it has rained on one day, we have decided to rent a car and drive to Palma. And I fell in love with the city immediately. What I liked most were the little streets, numerous boutiques, cafes and restaurants.  At the one moment I wish to extend our holiday and to stay in Palma for few days.

So when you ask me guys, I had a wonderful time on the island and in general in Alcúdia. I could relax, tank up new energy and experience new things. Therefore I would recommend this place to everyone who wants to enjoy a really quite, relaxing holiday.


And how about you guys? Have you been in Alcúdia yet? What other places in Mallorca can you deeply recommend?


Eine Full-Time Mama von zwei Jungs, leidenschaftliche Kaffeegenießerin und eine Fashion-Begeisterte – das bin ich.
Meine größte Passion: Schnäppchen shoppen und Outfits nach Lust und Laune zusammenstellen.
Mein Motto: Den Trends niemals nachlaufen, denn diese sind kurzlebig, ein guter Stil dagegen ist unvergänglich.

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