How to wear yellow

Zuta Bluza Kolaz

It’s  spring and we can finally pull out our spring clothes and show some leg – or at least we thought we could. At the moment we are more freezing than sun-blessed. However, if the weather doesn’t join in, then we’ll have to create our own spring vibes with bright colors.

If there’s one unexpected color that dominates this spring, and we are not talking about rose quartz or serenity, it is definitely yellow – from bright to mustard, all shades dominate the street styles. Now, before you protest: “Oh, no, yellow is sooo not my color!“, just hear us out. Yellow suits everyone – everyone! Believe us. The clue: just pick the right shade for your skin tone.

Our post today is also related to a funny story about the color yellow.  Like many of you, who have fair skin, Sara and Timo thought too, that yellow is just not their color. They never wanted to wear it. No matter how much they liked a piece of clothing, if it was yellow, it didn’t end up in their bag. Kaja, on the other hand, always had the opinion that everyone could wear yellow and that is all about how you combine the color.

Then, a couple of days ago, this blouse from Mirror Point Fashion came into play. The three of us instantly fell in love with the style of the blouse, but there was just one minor problem – the color. Then an idea came to our minds: „Why don’t we just make a challenge out of it?“. No sooner said than done. Each of us should combine the blouse with her favorite pieces. After that we should prove, if the myth, that persons with fair skin should not wear yellow, is true or not. Then we put on the blouse and combined it with our favorite spring pieces, so these different outfits came about. With this, I think we have proved that literally everyone can actually wear yellow. The photos are our proof.

How to wear yellow

And by the way do you know the Mirror Point Fashion online shop? It was by chance that we became aware of it and because we were so excited about the clothes we wanted to find out more about it. The lovely founder of the Mirror Point, Angie Wong, wrote us an email and explained us everything about the label.  She told us that the clothes are made in China but that she wishes to make a mark that “made in China” not necessarily represent “low quality”. We can just confirm her claim. Her creations aren’t only beautiful, but also of a high quality.

What about you?? Do you like wearing yellow? And btw… What do you think about this blouse? We just love it!

In a friendly cooperation with Mirror Point Fashion!

The Cosmopolitas
The Cosmopolitas

The Cosmopolitas ist ein Lifestyle Blog geführt von Kaja und Timo aus Wien. Unsere Mode-Inspirationen sowie Erlebnisse zum Thema Reisen, Essen und anderen alltäglichen Dingen teilen wir mit euch sowohl auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen als auch hier auf unserem Blog.

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