Last-minute Christmas cookies | vegan, gluten-free

Quick Christmas Cookies Schnelle Weihnachtskekse Vegan Gluten-Free

Baking Christmas cookies ist one of the things I’m looking forward to the whole year :). Even though I actually don’t celebrate Christmas, I just love the whole Christmas vibe, the coziness, the smell of cinnamon and cloves and watching christmas movies while sipping on a cup of hot chocolate :). When it comes to Christmas cookies, the most recipes demand much time and preparation. However we often don’t have the time to bake for hours and hours. Also the most recipes include either butter, eggs or other animal products.

So if you still haven’t managed to bake Christmas cookies, today I have a quick recipe that takes only minutes and on top of that it is vegan AND gluten-free. Keep reading :).


Quick Cinnamon Stars | Vegan, Gluten-Free

Quick Christmas Cookies Schnelle Weihnachtskekse Vegan Gluten-Free


Cinnamon Stars Vegan Gluten-Free

Ingredients (for ca. 50 pieces):

  • 4 cups ground hazelnuts
  • 1 cup coconut sugar
  • 6 tbsp shredded flaxseed
  • 4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp winestone baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cups water
  • confectioner’s sugar







  • Preheat the oven to 150 °C (air circulation)
  • Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl
  • Add water and mix until you have a nice dough
  • Put the dough onto a baking sheet and put another baking sheet on top of that
  • Using a dough roll, roll it out to (about 1/2 cm thick)
  • Cut it out using a star shaped cookie cutter
  • Set the cookies on a baking sheet and bake for  about 10 minutes
Zimtsterne Vegan, Glutenfrei


Enjoy 🙂

The Cosmopolitas
The Cosmopolitas

The Cosmopolitas ist ein Lifestyle Blog geführt von Kaja und Timo aus Wien. Unsere Mode-Inspirationen sowie Erlebnisse zum Thema Reisen, Essen und anderen alltäglichen Dingen teilen wir mit euch sowohl auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen als auch hier auf unserem Blog.

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