Pantone spring color trend 2019 – yellow

Can everyone wear yellow?

Are we ready to embrace spring? There are so many great spring/summer trends for 2019 and we can hardly wait to wear them! Apart all the new trends we are expecting this season, we will be also seeing plenty of different colors as soon as spring rolls comes around the corner. Living Coral, Mango Mojito, Fiesta, Aspen Gold and many other trendy colors are going to dominate the spring season. One reason more to look forward to the nice weather.

Well, the Pantone Color Institute has presented us all the trend colors for 2019 and one thing is more than clear — one of the most definitive color is yellow. Especially two forms “Lemon Verbena”, which is a light lemon yellow, and “Aspen Gold” are going to be very popular this season. Personally, I can’t wait for this trend to be present everywhere, because yellow is one of my favorite colors.

Who can wear yellow?

Do you think that yellow is just not your color? Or that this color makes you look pale? You are blond and yellow is really nothing for you? You are wrong! Everyone can wear yellow and with that, I mean really everyone!

The only thing you have to consider is the right shade that matches with your hair and skin tone. Well, the Pantone Color Institute has showed us, that there is a wide range of yellow shades — from freshly churned butter to neon lemon — now is up to you to choose the right one.

In general, if you have light hair and light skin tone, your perfect yellow shade is pale yellow like pastel yellow for example. For dark skin tone and dark hair, the perfect shade is sunny yellow or saffron.

Style Notes:

Yellow color looks perfect when paired with white and denim blue color. Mom jeans, yellow blazer and a white tee and here is your flawless look! Well, when it comes to my favorite looks, a yellow pant suit is a must! What do you think?

Here are more ideas for wearing a pantsuit this season. Check it out 🙂

How do you like this trend? Would you wear yellow?




Eine Full-Time Mama von zwei Jungs, leidenschaftliche Kaffeegenießerin und eine Fashion-Begeisterte – das bin ich.
Meine größte Passion: Schnäppchen shoppen und Outfits nach Lust und Laune zusammenstellen.
Mein Motto: Den Trends niemals nachlaufen, denn diese sind kurzlebig, ein guter Stil dagegen ist unvergänglich.

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