Fashion trends fall 2018: The scarf print

Fashionbloggerinnen Österreich

The Summer is definitely coming to an end. On one hand, I’m pretty sad that it’s time to store my light summer clothes away. On the other hand, I’m pretty excited because it’s finally time to check out all the new fall collections that are already hanging in the shops. There are already some trends that are obviously going to be huge this fall and winter and one of them is without a doubt the scarf print.

Scarf Print Trend 2018


I think, until now, there was never a season in which we have seen so many silk scarves on the runways. Although, it actually isn’t the silk scarf per se, but rather this typical silk scarf print which runs through blouses, dresses, skirts and even pants. If I’d seen this a couple of years ago, I would have probably said: “Aaaaahm, no thanks!”, because it’s a bit saucy with all these colors and motives for a person like me who is rather into neutral colors when it comes to clothing. However, don’t ask me what is going on in my head, but suddenly, I totally fell in love with it :D.

After this summer, which was not really that colorful (you may have noticed that earthy tones were quite a big deal this season), comes a season which is full of colors and different patterns. Since this trend is quite risky and the thing is to wear it head to toe, you should really be careful when combining it. 

Scarf-Print Trend Herbst 2018

Want to wear the scarf print head to toe? Then make sure to follow these rules:

  • Combine one scarf printed piece with neutral colored pieces
  • Keep the bag and other accessories minimalistic
  • If you want to wear more than one scarf print at a time, make sure the patterns and colors match (the same print is the best

In my opinion, if you want to wear it head to toe, then the safest and easiest option is a maxi dress :).

Wie trage ich den Scarf-Print Trend

What do you think about the scarf-print-trend? Yay or Nay?


Eine Full-Time Mama von zwei Jungs, leidenschaftliche Kaffeegenießerin und eine Fashion-Begeisterte – das bin ich.
Meine größte Passion: Schnäppchen shoppen und Outfits nach Lust und Laune zusammenstellen.
Mein Motto: Den Trends niemals nachlaufen, denn diese sind kurzlebig, ein guter Stil dagegen ist unvergänglich.

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  1. Zoe
    September 3, 2018 / 3:59 pm

    Das Kleid und das Muster steht dir wirklich gut. Ich habe den Trend jetzt schon öfters in den Shops gesehen, aber so ganz getraut habe ich mich noch nicht.
    Ich finde deine Uhr richtig schön. Dieses Modell steht schon lange auf meinem Wunschzettel. Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass die Uhr auf verbilligt ist. Ich denke, da kann ich nicht widerstehen.
    Alles Liebe,

  2. September 3, 2018 / 5:23 pm

    Das Kleid ist ja toll! Ein richtiger Eyecatcher :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie / Goldzeitblog

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