Monthly recap: October 2017

the cosmopolitas

October- what a month! When we look back, we caalready say, with absolute certainty, that the month was full of ups and no downs! October was a successful month full of great things that happened to us. So let’s start with the highlights of the month! 

Well, in our latest recap we have promised you some news about a great project we started together back in October and here they are – Now, we are part of  the great “Gerngross Trend Blog” team! In the next months we will regularly provide you with the latest news and tips on the topics fashion, beauty, interior as well as gastronomic experiences. You can check it out here

The next highlight of the month was our flight to Berlin! Finally we were able to travel somewhere together! Well, there were German Press Days in Berlin, so we visited some of the media agencies. Even though our trip was very short, it was an amazing experience! We met some really nice people, we had some fun and we saw a little bit of this wonderful city!

And now to our personal highlights of October!

Red Hoodie

by Kaja

Personal Stuff

October is my very favorite month of the year and that for two reasons! Firstly, I was born in October and secondly, last year in October, I got the best gift ever – my little angel, baby Ilija. You may not know this, but Ilija was born just one day after my birthday, so he was a real gift. 🙂

This year, just a few days ago, we celebrated his 1st birthday and I still can’t believe that one year is already over. I don’t know when and how the time has passed and when my little baby has grown up. It’s incredible how fast everything is going in life. When I could, I would love to stop the time and let him be my little baby for a while. They grow far too quickly, definitely! 

Apart from our b-days, the new project, our flight to Berlin and some great events we attend to, nothing else has happened to me in October.

Therefore, here come my Favorites of the Month:

Favorite Piece of Clothing

This time it’s definitely this flowered maxi dress I found at Zara’s online shop. Guys, I’m literally living in this dress! You know how much I love dresses, so as I saw this dress, it took me less then five seconds to buy it! Isn’t this dress just a dream? 

Floral Maxi Dress

Favorite Blog Post

My favorite blog post ist actually one of our latest blog posts:


Guys, if you still haven’t checked out this post, it’s time to do it now. Never bevor has a trend enthused me as much as this year’s trend color – RED. The funny thing about it is that up to now I never liked the color, but since red is present everywhere, I started to like it. Well, now is my wardrobe full of red pieces. 😀 

Rot: So funktioniert die Trendfarbe

Currently Reading

Last month I introduced to you my favorite beauty products, this time it’s a book which I read in October.(Yes, I found time again to read a book! Yeey!) I am talking about  the “Brooklyn Girl” by Guillaume Musso. Once again Guillaume Musso could fascinate me! “Brooklyn Girl”  is an amazing novel and I can highly recommend it to everyone who loves psychological thrillers. I couldn’t put down the book till I finished it to the end. 

Have you already read this book? How do you like it? 

So guys, these were my personal highlights of October! Let’s see what November is going to bring us!  😀

New York City Streetstyle

by Timo

Personal Stuff & Events

October was probably one of my favorite months this year. So many things have happened and I don’t even know where to start. We’ve attended some really cool events and these were my favorites:

  • MAC workshop with Vimi Joshi, a senior makeup artist who showed us some major makeup trends for SS18
  • Diesel SS18 party where we could admire the pieces from the spring/summer collection (Hint: we are going to show you some pieces very soon)
  • Female Power Brunch I attended 2 weeks ago. I was all about contraception and due to the fact that I stopped taking the pill, it was extremely interesting to exchange opinions with the other ladies. In case you are interested in a blog post about my experience without the pill and the alternative I’m thinking about, let me know. 🙂

Travel Diary

Apart for being in Vienna for the most of the time, I made it to visit 3 other cities this month:


Zagreb trip was supposed to be a surprise for Kajas birthday which unfortunately didn’t work out the way Sara and I planed it. Kaja sadly couldn’t come and another friend joined us, because we couldn’t cancel the bookings. I’ve been to Zagreb many times and I really like this city. Most of the people would say “it’s nothing special”, but I like the way people sit around in one of the many coffee places on a Sunday afternoon and simply enjoy the day off. Every time I find myself in Zagreb, I get the feeling that people really know how to enjoy their life and make the best of their free time. Something I love about Zagreb the most are the restaurants. There are sooo many and you get such a great food everywhere.

How to travel from Vienna: we took the Flixbus, which was extremely cheap and quite comfortable.

Where to sleep: Airbnb is incredibly cheap and most of them are in the city center.

How to get around: Using the cabs is quite cheap, but you can actually walk all the time. The city isn’t very big.

Bistroteka dorucak Zagreb

Where to eat: Make sure to go for a breakfast at Bistroteka (avocado bread is simply amazing). Another very good restaurant is called Pod Zidom. A bit pricey, but I really like it.


As you could follow in our instastories, we finally made it to travel together and our destination was Berlin. We went there to attend the German Press Days for one day and had to fly back on the same day. However, it was still an amazing experience and we can’t wait to visit Berlin again. Next time, we have to explore the city and go shopping, because we saw sooo many cool boutiques, but we didn’t have any time to go shopping. Next time! J

How to travel from Vienna: Our flight with EasyJet was only 40 euros. How cool is that? 🙂

How to get around: Usually, I would be taking the metro all the time, but this time, we had to “run” from a place to place and that’s why we took the cab all the time. It wasn’t cheap at all, but our time was very limited.


After a while, I finally made it to visit my sister who lives in the Upper Austria. I missed her and the kids soooo much. It was only a day trip, but we got the chance to go for a yummy lunch in Linz and walk around with the kids. I was extremely touched because the kids kept telling me how proud they were of me being a blogger, which they think is the coolest thing in the world. 😀  I had to meet about 10 of their friends who all wanted to take a selfie with me, because they think I’m extremely famous, haha 😀  It was a really fun experience, but somehow creepy at the same time. 🙂

Restaurant of the month

We’ve been invited to try the new menu at Die Rundbar in the 7th district and guys, we’ve had the best beef tartar ever. The restaurant is a bit hidden, but we loved the atmosphere and the food of course. During the summer, you can even sit outside and enjoy your lunch while watching the people pass by. Definitely one of those we want to go back to. Yummy!

Currently Watching

OMG I’ve been waiting for The Walking Dead 7 for months and I’m already sooo obsessed. This is probably one of my favorite series ever. I can’t even explain why I’m so obsessed with it, because I actually hate zombies and horror movies. ?Who else is such a big fan? 🙂

♡ I guess that’s it for October guys. Wish you guys a wonderful November ♡

Marina Hoermanseder

by Sara

Personal Stuff

A Week Offline

This was one of my personal highlights this month, because I’ve finally took some time just for myself. At the beginning of the month I took a vacation for the end of October in order to visit my mum in Bosnia. I usually visit her together with Davor over a weekend. However, now I wanted to visit her alone and take some time off, away from the everyday craziness and the urge to be online 24/7. Since my mom doesn’t have internet at home, I knew that this was the perfect way for me to go offline and unwind. At home in Vienna this would never work. Maybe for a day or two, but never for a whole week.

I tell you guys, I can’t remember when was the last time I was so relaxed. I read 4 books (and here in Vienna, I’m happy if I manage to read a book in a month), watched some movies that were on my list for quite a long time, enjoyed long strolls through my hometown with my mum and just savored in every minute I could spend with her.

Favorite Piece of the Month

Belt Bag Trend 2017 MILK
Belt Bag Trend 2017 MILK

My favorite piece to wear currently is this tiny little bag by MILK, I bought at the Vienna Fashion Week. I’m just sooo in love with it. Why?

  1. It ist not just one bag. No, it’s two little bags as you can see :D. You can wear them both at the same time and also just one
  2. You can arrange the bags one behind another or one next another
  3. You can wear it as a usual bag but also as a belt bag

That means, I actually have 4 bags in one :D. How do you like it?


You know these movies that make you reflect days and days after you seen them? Well, this is one movie that will definitely make you think about the world, how cruel the meat industry is and about the selfishness and greed of people. Without exaggerating, it is one of the best movies I watched lately.

I admit it, I’m not vegan. However, lately I’ve been reflecting and reading a lot about the food industry (mostly about the dairy industry since I’m avoiding consuming dairy products for almost 3 years now) and that’s why not so long ago I came to the conclusion not to prepare meals containing meat every day, but to reduce it to 2 – 3 times a week. Instead of buying a lot of cheap meat, I’m now buying organic meat. I’m not sure if I could ever go a 100% vegan, but I’m really trying to boycott factory farming and the dairy industry as well as to reduce the production of waste at home.

Do you eat meat? If not, then tell me, what was the trigger of the decision?

The Cosmopolitas
The Cosmopolitas

The Cosmopolitas ist ein Lifestyle Blog geführt von Kaja und Timo aus Wien. Unsere Mode-Inspirationen sowie Erlebnisse zum Thema Reisen, Essen und anderen alltäglichen Dingen teilen wir mit euch sowohl auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen als auch hier auf unserem Blog.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


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