My favorite podcasts about personal development, motivation and happiness

5 Personal Development Podcasts to Get You Motivated

I love reading books on self development, motivation and happiness. However, it’s not always easy to find the time to sit down, read and do nothing else. Especially when you’re working a lot, get home in the evening, eat and just want to go to sleep. Every year, one of my intentions is to read more and I often get frustrated because I simply can’t manage to find the time to read more. And because of that daily stress and pressure, I love reading or listening to some advice on how to get or stay motivated, to become a better person and to be happy. And that’s why I love listening to podcasts. I can do it anytime and anywhere – on my way to work, while cooking, at the gym, just anywhere.

There are some podcasts that have really helped me to learn dealing with some issues or which just have motivated me on days when nothing seemed to work. Long story short – here are my favorite personal development podcasts.

1. The Tony Robbins Podcast

I think, there’s nothing much to say about Tony Robbins. The probably best known life coach ever. In his podcast Tony Robbins shares strategies and tactics on personal development, how to be successful in your business and your personal life.

Some episodes in this podcasts are excerpts from his workshops, where he listens to a particular issue a person is dealing with and tries to solve it together with that person. Additionally, there are also very inspirational and educational interviews with successful people.

Also if you’ve never read any of his books, I can really entrust them to you.

2. TED Talks Daily

As yet I’ve always watched TED Talks on Youtube, until I’ve discovered the podcast on Stitcher (which is btw. my favorite app to listen to podcasts). Here you can listen to experts talkin about practically every topic there is. But why have I put this podcast into the personal development list? Because there are some talks of psychologists, life coaches and other inspirational people who have really opened my eyes when it comes to certain problems I had at that time.

3. Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Do you know the feeling when you think about your life and realise that you’ve got a great life and everything you need. Having this in mind, you know that you should be happy and satisfied. Yet… there is something missing. Even though it doesn’t make any sense, you’re just not that happy as you should be.

Gretchen Rubin had the same problem and decided to start a “Happiness Project” – a project to become more aware of the little everyday things in order to be happier. She wrote a book about this, which is one of my favorite books on self development and happiness.

As I discovered her podcast, you have no idea how happy I was :D. In this podcast she also talks about ways, how to live a happier life :).

4. Oprah’s Master Class: The Podcast

To me, Oprah Winfrey is one of the most inspirational people on Earth. It is just incredible what this woman has achieved. She is the living proof that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard for your dreams to come true.

In this podcast, Oprah talks to famous people about their personal life stories. These are really deep talks that are incredibly inspirational.

5. Kalyn’s Coffee Talk

In this podcast, Kalyn Nicholson tangles different topics and issues that are occupy her currently. She talks about her experiences and she gives advice on how to deal with certain issues. For example: how to cope with other people’s opinions, how to let go of negative habits, negative people, how to get motivated even if the day couldn’t be worse and so on.

What are your favorite podcasts? Have you listened to any of these?


Hi, ich bin Sara :). Gebürtige Bosnierin, die ihr Herz in Wien verloren hat und sich ein Leben außerhalb dieser wundervollen Stadt nicht mehr vorstellen könnte.

Auf diesem Blog möchte ich vor allem meine große Leidenschaft zu 2 Dingen mit euch teilen: Fitness und Fashion.

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