Spring/summer trends 2018: Stripes

Stripes – not only an huge trend this spring season, but also every fashionistas best friends. Right? Well, stripes have actually always been cool and are nothing new, but never before was so easy to find striped clothing that look on everyone pretty dope. Now, what about you, have you prepared something striped for an fresh stripes-look? If you don’t know how to wear stripes and look on point, I have some ideas for you! Follow me!

Streifen im Alltag
Wie kombiniert man Streifen?
Trend 2018: Stripes

Well, horizontal or vertical, thin, thick, black and white or in living colors, there is no summer without stripes. The best thing this season: you can mix & match stripes with almost everything. Stripes go well with floral patterns, checked or gingham clothes and even with other stripes too.

For a long time ago, stripes had had a bad reputation, they were rumoured that they might emphasize wide hips or make a petite woman look more smaller. But that’s a total myth. Stripes are trendy and chic at the same time and flatter every body type.

How to combine stripes?
How to wear stripes?
How to style a striped outfit?

This season you can wear striped toe-to-head outfits mixing different types of stripes. But you can also play it safe and stay in one „stripe“ design that follows the whole look. For a more simple look, a striped t-shirt paired with jeans is always a right choice. Striped dresses or skirts look maritime and frisky, therefore a summer without such clothes is unthinkable.

Today, I decided to combine a mix & match striped look, with a top and a skirt. This outfit is not only very comfy but also perfekt for a hot summer day and every day life. The only thing I miss here is the sea and a promenade in an old town. Don’t you think the same?





Eine Full-Time Mama von zwei Jungs, leidenschaftliche Kaffeegenießerin und eine Fashion-Begeisterte – das bin ich.
Meine größte Passion: Schnäppchen shoppen und Outfits nach Lust und Laune zusammenstellen.
Mein Motto: Den Trends niemals nachlaufen, denn diese sind kurzlebig, ein guter Stil dagegen ist unvergänglich.

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